The mission of the City of Statesboro’s Greener Boro Commission is to grow a resilient, welcoming and healthy Statesboro in which wise planning meets the clean air, water and other livability needs of all, including future generations. The commission aims to reduce solid waste, reduce transportation emissions, conserve and increase green space, and improve energy efficiency through education, policy recommendations, and action in partnership with the City of Statesboro.

In an effort to reduce solid waste, the commission hosts regular Fix-Friday events in partnership with Georgia Southern’s Fab Lab, featuring a variety of experts who repair items free of charge (i.e. basic small appliance/electrical and furniture glue repairs, sewing/mending, bicycle, jewelry, etc.). Fix It Fridays usually takes place in the BIG Alley at 62 E. Main St. in association with the Downtown Statesboro Development Authority’s First Friday events. Watch for a schedule of items to be repaired. The commission meets 6-7:30 pm the first Thursday of each month in Council Chambers and welcomes visitors.


The Greener Boro Commission has compiled a list of “Sustainability Resources in Statesboro and Bulloch County” to assist residents who wish to make their community a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable place to live. This document was last updated in February 2024. To download the list of resources, click HERE.